Make an Impact with Allan Houston’s “Fundamentals of Life”...

Finally! A Simple Way To Maximize Your Impact And Create A Positive Legacy and Inspire A Generation Of Youth And Leaders To Develop Winning Character, Resilience, And Purpose

Introducing Allan Houston's

The Fundamentals Of Life...


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My name is Allan Houston and as a father, entrepreneur, and former NBA All-Star, I often find myself in discussions about our youth. The theme consistently is surrounded by the question…

"How can I connect with the youth and provide them with the tools they need to be successful in life?” 

So it's Important for me to share..

If you’re a coach, leader, or administrator who’s been wanting to make a positive impact on our youth, then you’re in the right place. 


Because now more than ever our youth need strong, positive leaders in their lives! 

Which is why I’m sharing my book ‘The Fundamentals Of Life’ with the world…

So together, we can empower our youth to find their purpose, make an impact, and be successful—what I like to call Win From Within!

7 Reasons Why Our Youth Need Positive Leaders In Their Lives and How You Can Help…

With social media, distractions, and all the negative influences in the world… 

It's getting harder for youth to have the tools necessary to be happy, productive, successful members of society. 

In fact, here are 7 challenges our fast-paced, technology-ruled world presents children and teenagers… 

1. Constant comparison to others’ lives on social media 

Social media platforms can be incredibly influential in shaping our perceptions of ourselves and others. Children and teenagers are especially vulnerable to feeling inadequate or inferior when they see other people's highlight reels on social media. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

2. A feeling of isolation and a lack of authentic communities   

Despite the fact that technology has made it easier to connect with others, many young people still feel disconnected and isolated from their peers. Social media can exacerbate this problem by promoting superficial, surface-level interactions rather than fostering deep, meaningful connections.

3. Difficulty finding balance between online and offline activities

Technology can be incredibly addictive, and many young people struggle to find a healthy balance between their online and offline activities. This can lead to a host of problems, including sleep deprivation, poor academic performance, and social isolation. 4. Greater pressure to fit in and be accepted Social media can amplify the pressure that young people feel to fit in and be accepted by their peers. This can lead to a variety of negative behaviors, including bullying, substance abuse, and self-harm.

5. Increased access to inappropriate, damaging content 

The internet is full of inappropriate and damaging content, and young people are often exposed to this content through social media, search engines, and other online platforms. This can lead to a host of negative outcomes, including increased anxiety, depression, and risky behavior.

6. Never-ending access to negativity and bad news

The 24-hour news cycle and the constant stream of negativity on social media can be overwhelming and anxiety-provoking for young people. This can lead to feelings of helplessness, despair, and hopelessness.

7. Easier access to negative influences and distractions 

The internet provides easy access to a wide range of negative influences and distractions, including pornography, violent video games, and social media challenges. These influences can have a profound impact on young people's behavior and mental health.

For Those Who Don’t Know My Story

My name is Allan Houston.

I grew up in Louisville, Kentucky 2 doors down from Muhammad Ali.

Being the son of a prominent college basketball coach...

...And a brilliant and a hard working mother who built a family owned business...

I learned values that led me to be a/an: 


⭐️ Olympic gold medalist…

⭐️ Husband of 26 years… 

⭐️ Father of 7 blessed children…   

So as you can see, the world has shifted in a huge way and with that shift… 

As parents, educators, and caregivers, it is important that we take these challenges seriously and work to help young people navigate them in a healthy and positive way.

And to do that, you need sound fundamentals…

To be an effective leader in today's culture,

you need sound fundamentals

In order to be successful in anything we do, we must have sound fundamentals. 

Why? Because fundamentals give us the basic steps to follow to DO well and BE well

They’re the principles and values to live by…

To guide us along the right path and prepare us for success

When you break it down, the key fundamentals to success and abundant life are: 


​​Believing in yourself, your purpose, and your future


Knowing the right way and choosing it   


Committing to something bigger than self


Capacity to serve, model, inspire, and unify


Maximizing your influence and impact 

I call these the “Fundamentals of Life” or FISLL for short… 

FISLL is a framework to WIN FROM WITHIN in this game of life by living according to our intended purpose and core values. 

The purpose and core values that are getting lost in society.

FISLL is a simple and easy way to remember, remind, and follow our intended purpose and core values.  

In fact, by following these fundamentals, we develop self-awareness, resilience, leadership, and the overall mindset for success

I’ll share how with you in a minute…

But first let’s cover more about why I care so much about this…

Interestingly enough, one of the questions I got asked all the time was… 

“What did it take to get to where you are?”  

Instead of answering the same question over and over again, I decided to write a book.

So I took the lessons I learned playing at the highest level in sports…

And explored how these principles can present a system and strategy for winning in life. 

Which is how The Fundamentals Of Life was born.

Inside its pages are the secrets to train and equip the next generation of youth and young adults to make a positive impact in the world… 

The Fundamentals Of Life are the stepping stones to getting there!

Introducing The Fundamentals Of Life: Life In 3D

Personal stories and anecdotes from AH provide insights into the principles for success that he learned 

growing up in Louisville, Kentucky, and as a 2x NBA-STAR and gold medalist.

This book is unlike any other you've encountered before, absent of any 'fluff' or unhelpful information. 

Its pages are jam-packed with proven tactics. And at 72 pages, it’s a quick read you can finish in an afternoon.

And It's About MORE Than Just Coaching.

Look, you can use the same framework in this book to WIN FROM WITHIN in the game of life by living according to our intended purpose and core values.  

So like I said, there's more to this little book than "just" coaching. Here's a fraction of what you'll discover…

  • How to establish a winning mindset, a leadership lifestyle, and make an eternal impact with Allan Houston's proven system and strategy for winning in life…

  • Why this is an absolute must-read for adolescents and young adults who want to stand out from the crowd, build their personal brands, and set themselves up for success in sports, school, and life… 

  • The tools that will enable you to develop your leadership potential, enhance your social and emotional learning, improve your mental and spiritual health, and become a more effective coach and communicator…

  • The guided dialogues and discussions that engage youth and help them build character, resilience, and a sense of purpose, and equip them to make a positive impact in the world...

  • Build trusting relationships between youth and leaders by developing healthy relationships and understanding the importance of personal values, while learning how to foster a culture of trust and collaboration…

  • How to maximize your positive impact and be part of something bigger than yourself to make a lasting difference in the world…

  • The EXACT insights and tools to build strong, meaningful relationships with the next generation of leaders…

But it gets better because you're also getting…

With Your Donation You’ll Also Get This



Fundamentals of Life Audiobook

Total Value = $47

Get started on your Win From Within Journey with The Fundamentals of Life Audiobook. This powerful tool can help you explore the principles for success, leadership development, and personal growth on the go.

Here’s a Recap of EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Donate To The FISLL Project Today

  • Fundamentals of Life eBook

  • FREE Gift - Fundamentals of Life Audiobook

Value $50

Value $47

Total Value = $97

Get Yours When You Donate!

Here’s What People Have Said About The Fundamentals Of Life

“It was very impactful. I love the fact that it shows the coach has to be coachable as well. Showing the kids how to be leaders and going above and beyond are things we have to do to be impactful in the kids lives.”

- Elton

“I think this is going to help with communicating with the youth and the parents. I believe I need to be out there doing all that I can for the youth and the community and being a positive leader and role model.”

- Jarod

“One of the things Allan Houston talks about is that coaches need to be coachable in order for our players to be coachable. We as coaches can use this as a tool to understand and train our young people who we love so much.” - Brian

Here's What To Do Next

The "cost" of this book plus the FREE gift is just a one-time donation to the FISLL Project… 

And you get it all instantly to download now. 

As soon as you donate, you'll get an automated receipt with a link to download the ebook and audiobook directly in your email. 

You can access it anywhere, immediately, without having to wait 7-10 business days to get it in the mail.  

Oh, and in case you're wondering...


I realize this is very inexpensive… so you might be wondering what the "catch" is…  

Sometimes when things look too good to be true, they are…

But this is NOT one of them.  

There's NO hidden "continuity program" where you’ll be charged a monthly donation per forever or anything even remotely like that. 

I'm literally giving you this entire book and the FREE Gift listed on this page for a one-time donation to the FISLL Project. 


Because I truly want to help you be your best for the next generation of youth and leaders. And you can ONLY do that when you invest in yourself first!

In fact, with YOUR help my goal is to impact...

20,000 for #20

Powered by the Allan Houston Legacy Foundation (AHLF), the FISLL Project led by Allan Houston (who's basketball jersey number is #20) is working to impact 20,000 for #20.

The goal is to engage 20,000 mentors and community leaders and equip them with resources so they can continue to inspire and guide the next generation of leaders.


Because we believe that if 20,000 more community and business leaders, parents, coaches, teachers, and influencers make this commitment, the positive impact will create a ripple effect, which will be felt in local communities across the nation!

We hope you'll join us in our mission!

With all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time Is Of The Essence

I realize that this is not like most offers you've seen before...

And to be honest, I’m not sure how long I can afford to give this all away for donations…

I may find that the price could quickly increase in the future…  

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your eBook & Free Gift Now 

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to understand the Fundamentals of Life?

In order to be successful in anything we do, we have to have sound fundamentals. Why? Because fundamentals give us the basic steps to follow to DO well and BE well. They’re the principles and values to live by and to guide us along the right path and prepare us for success. The Fundamentals Of Life are the secrets to train and equip the next generation of youth, young adults to make a positive impact in the world.

What do I get with my donation today? 

When you donate today, you’ll get a copy of the Fundamentals of Life eBook and 1 free gift - the Fundamentals of Life Audiobook which is valued at $97. You’ll also get the opportunity to help us on our mission to engage 20,000 mentors and community leaders and equip them with resources so they can continue to inspire and guide the next generation of leaders.

Do you have a money back guarantee?

Due to the nature of this offer, we will not be offering a money back guarantee. Your donation will go toward the FISLL Project to support our 20,000 for #20 initiative to engage 20,000 mentors and community leaders and equip them with resources so they can continue to inspire and guide the next generation of leaders.If you have any questions, you can reach my team anytime at

Why are you asking for donations?

Powered by the Allan Houston Legacy Foundation (AHLF), the FISLL Project led by Allan Houston (who's basketball jersey number is #20) is working to impact 20,000 for #20. The goal is to engage 20,000 mentors and community leaders and equip them with resources so they can continue to inspire and guide the next generation of leaders. Why? Because we believe that if 20,000 more community and business leaders, parents, coaches, teachers, and influencers make this commitment, the positive impact will create a ripple effect, which will be felt in local communities across the nation! We hope you'll join us in our mission!

How do I know this is for me? 

If you’re a coach, leader, or administrator who’s been wanting to make a positive impact on our youth… If you want to help young people navigate the challenges they face in a healthy and positive way…Or if you want to be your best to inspire the next generation of leaders… This is 100% for you!

What happens after I donate? 

As soon as you donate, you'll get an automated receipt with a link to download the ebook and audiobook directly in your email. You can access it anywhere, immediately, without having to wait 7-10 business days to get it in the mail.

Have any more questions? 

If you have any more questions, feel free to shoot my team an email at

Here’s a Recap of EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Donate to the FISLL Project Today

  • Fundamentals of Life eBook

  • FREE Gift - Fundamentals of Life Audiobook

Value $50

Value $47

Total Value = $97

Get Yours When You Donate!